Sabado, Mayo 21, 2011


A few weeks ago, I attended a Life in the Spirit seminar. It's a two-day event at our church where we listen to talks about faith, share our beliefs and experiences. I had been meaning to attend it ever since College so when I heard the announcement that there's going to be one on our church, I signed up.

The thing that really had an impact on me were the incredible stories shared by two of the speakers. Both of them lost their mothers at a young age and as a result, their lives went off course. Ate Jhute lost her mom at a young age, the breadwinner of their family. Her happy-go-lucky father transformed into an angry stranger and she and her sister weren't able to continue their education. She spent 10 years bumming around and running with the bad crowd.

Another speaker (I forgot his name sorry!), became an orphan at a young age and spent his childhood in the streets. He worked to support his schooling. He became a newspaper boy, a balut vendor and a kitchen helper.

They both had nobody to hold on to. Yet somehow they were able to keep it together and to survive-- because of their faith. Both of them found God, or maybe it's more correct to say that God found them.

After 10 years of being a bum, Ate Jhute got some help from the Church and went to College at the age of 26. Now, she's a teacher and she was able to summon enough humility and patience to make peace with her father before he died. The other speaker became a radio actor, a writer and a speaker. When he had enough money he finally bought a house-- and opened it to street children. Today, he has three houses for his "adopted" children. He's paying it forward.

I admire these people, they're unbreakable! The strength they possess and the infinite well of their faith, they believe in something bigger than themselves and whatever happens they will somehow be okay. Nothing can shake them and they will always remain humble-- and happy. They've been through so much and was able to overcome it all and even became better because of it.

I wish I can be like that but I just can't seem to get rid of my inner cynic. I've experienced miracles in my life, enough to believe, but sometimes I still find myself struggling. I don't know maybe I need to go through something like that too, but God I hope not. Please.
