Lunes, Agosto 1, 2011

switching to blogger

I don't want to pay the domain and hosting anymore so here I am in Blogger!  Cheaper, less pressure to write, much better.  There are still a LOT of things to fix.

Linggo, Hunyo 5, 2011

work wisdoms: rice stalk

There's a Filipino saying that sort of goes this way:
A young rice stalk stands tall and proud,
when it's grown and ready for harvest it bows down

One of my posts on work wisdoms talks about pruning.  It's the painful process one has to go through to grow up-- and as we grow up, we learn how important it is to bow down.

As I become older, the more I realize that I don't know everything about anything at all. You think you know a person, then they do something out of character. You think you got your plans all mapped out then something unexpected happens. You think you got your basic Science down pat, then they say Pluto's not a planet. So what do you do? You accept, you learn, you stay open and humble.

It feels so good to be so superior and smart and all-knowing, but I think once we lose our humility we lose something far more important. When we say we're the ultimate expert on something, you can expect that from that point on, learning will be limited-- because, well you're already an expert! Nobody will dare correct you now and that will be the beginning of the end.

But there will always something new to learn, something to improve.  I guess humility is more important than knowing it all.

Sabado, Mayo 21, 2011


A few weeks ago, I attended a Life in the Spirit seminar. It's a two-day event at our church where we listen to talks about faith, share our beliefs and experiences. I had been meaning to attend it ever since College so when I heard the announcement that there's going to be one on our church, I signed up.

The thing that really had an impact on me were the incredible stories shared by two of the speakers. Both of them lost their mothers at a young age and as a result, their lives went off course. Ate Jhute lost her mom at a young age, the breadwinner of their family. Her happy-go-lucky father transformed into an angry stranger and she and her sister weren't able to continue their education. She spent 10 years bumming around and running with the bad crowd.

Another speaker (I forgot his name sorry!), became an orphan at a young age and spent his childhood in the streets. He worked to support his schooling. He became a newspaper boy, a balut vendor and a kitchen helper.

They both had nobody to hold on to. Yet somehow they were able to keep it together and to survive-- because of their faith. Both of them found God, or maybe it's more correct to say that God found them.

After 10 years of being a bum, Ate Jhute got some help from the Church and went to College at the age of 26. Now, she's a teacher and she was able to summon enough humility and patience to make peace with her father before he died. The other speaker became a radio actor, a writer and a speaker. When he had enough money he finally bought a house-- and opened it to street children. Today, he has three houses for his "adopted" children. He's paying it forward.

I admire these people, they're unbreakable! The strength they possess and the infinite well of their faith, they believe in something bigger than themselves and whatever happens they will somehow be okay. Nothing can shake them and they will always remain humble-- and happy. They've been through so much and was able to overcome it all and even became better because of it.

I wish I can be like that but I just can't seem to get rid of my inner cynic. I've experienced miracles in my life, enough to believe, but sometimes I still find myself struggling. I don't know maybe I need to go through something like that too, but God I hope not. Please.


Martes, Abril 26, 2011

work wisdoms: lenten break

It certainly is.  Today is the last of my 6-day break from work.  Here in the Philippines, lenten break usually means going out of town and heading to the beaches.  I watched the news last Thursday and Friday and sure enough, Bora and Puerto Galera were overflowing with local tourists. Someone said that Manila was like a ghost town.  Well, It was really nice because there was no traffic when we did our Visita Iglesia last Friday.  We were able to visit 8 churches and we even swung by my Grandma's house for a visit.  I had a lot of fun. We do this every year and for each church we visit, we would buy some sort of snack or eat a meal.  We call it Station of the Foods haha.  We ate Puto from Laguna, puto bumbong, corn, drank buko juice, and then ate lunch at Aristocrat's (first for me).

There was a tv show that called it "staycation" which means, staying at home for the vacation.  A lot of people, instead of going to the beach and spending money for travel and accomodation, just bought inflatable pools and filled it with water.  Then they cooked barbeques and had fun with their family.  Happiness, in whatever form, will always be grand.

It felt good to do something different everyday and accomplish a lot of things.  I dragged my family to the hospital to get their first shot of the anti-HPV vaccine, cleaned my shoes and clothes and fixed my closet, went to confession and visited churches, visited my grandma, went swimming, went to a hydrotherapy spa, visited a friend who gave birth last week, got a pedicure, a haircut and a hot oil treatment, wrote the script for the comic book project I've started with one of my friends, submitted a short scene and gave a critique to the internet writing workshop, added some more scenes on the short story I'm writing, wrote this blog entry, exercised everyday and took care of my dogs, tried out the new restaurant here in our village and watched four great movies! (Sooner or later, Flipped, Mozart and the Whale, Kiss of the Spiderwoman).

It felt rewarding to finish a lot of things that are not related to work.  These last few days were quite fruitful.  I didn't feel tired at all. It was one of the best vacations I had in my life.

"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction." - Anne Frank

Sabado, Abril 16, 2011

garbage electricity


The world produces so much garbage. The Environmental Protection Agency states that in the US, 220 million tons of garbage are produced each year. This is equal to 6-feet deep 82,000 football fields full of compacted garbage. One thing's for sure, trash is the one thing we'll never run out of.

So it's really great that people are putting this unlimited resource to good use. Aside from recycling, some companies are using garbage as an alternative power source. When trash decays, there's a bacteria that breaks down the trash and produces methane gas. This methane gas is harmful when released in the atmosphere, but when controlled, it could power the world.

Today, there are some cities that harness this gas for electricity. Landfills in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are already being harvested for methane. The Brookhaven Town landfill on Long Island has been supplying around 350,000 megawatt-hours of electricity into the power grid for the past 30 years. In Guatemala, they created a electric turbine that runs on methane gas extracted from the city dump. The same thing is happening on our country. Last year, a landfill gas power plant was opened in Laguna. It will utilize the methane from the San Pedro landfill to power gas engines. The new plant is expected to generate 4 megawatts of electricity and it will be for sale to the local grid.

Garbage are those things that are useless to us-- but if we put in a little thought, a little creativity and resourcefulness, all the trash in the world could possibly be a treasure.


Sabado, Abril 2, 2011


My sister found a fun aerobic exercise to add to our workout. It's called Zumba, a series of latin american dances. I love the music; the beats are fun and catchy. I like this better than hip hop type aerobics.

I looked it up in the net to see more feedback, turns out it has an interesting story behind it:
"As a fitness instructor in his native Cali, Colombia, the life of Zumba program's founder, Alberto "Beto" Perez, took an unexpected turn one fateful day in the mid-'90s. He darted off to teach an aerobics class and forgot his traditional aerobics music, so he improvised using his own mix of music from tapes he had in his backpack (the salsa and merengue music he grew up with). Spontaneously, he created a new kind of dance-fitness, one that focused on letting the music move you (instead of counting reps over the music). Energy electrified the room; people couldn't stop smiling. His class loved it! And on that day, a revolutionary new fitness concept was born--the Zumba Fitness-Party."
-, product description

Hurray for improv! Here's my favorite song from the workout: