Sabado, Abril 2, 2011


My sister found a fun aerobic exercise to add to our workout. It's called Zumba, a series of latin american dances. I love the music; the beats are fun and catchy. I like this better than hip hop type aerobics.

I looked it up in the net to see more feedback, turns out it has an interesting story behind it:
"As a fitness instructor in his native Cali, Colombia, the life of Zumba program's founder, Alberto "Beto" Perez, took an unexpected turn one fateful day in the mid-'90s. He darted off to teach an aerobics class and forgot his traditional aerobics music, so he improvised using his own mix of music from tapes he had in his backpack (the salsa and merengue music he grew up with). Spontaneously, he created a new kind of dance-fitness, one that focused on letting the music move you (instead of counting reps over the music). Energy electrified the room; people couldn't stop smiling. His class loved it! And on that day, a revolutionary new fitness concept was born--the Zumba Fitness-Party."
-, product description

Hurray for improv! Here's my favorite song from the workout:


1 komento:

  1. Hello! Hope this reaches you well! We have exchanged brief notes previously and we're in each other's blogroll. Thanks for this post on Zumba. I can add it in my fitness ritual everyday. :) By the way, my meiLBOX site has to revert to my old url in wordpress (it's indicated here) because of security issues in my old server. I hope you can update your link. I also updated your link in my current site. You may also like to join the small project I began yesterday, "The meiLBOX Project." It aims to revive the art of letter-writing (plus involves the planting of 1 tree for every 5 letters sent out). :) You can find the instruction in my site. Take care and happy writing! I'd continue reading your blog. God bless!
