Biyernes, Hulyo 23, 2010

hapag ng pag-asa (table of hope)

The models were real life pinoy street children, except for one. The child at the bottom was taken after a famous photograph by Kevin Carter, but it was a vulture waiting instead of a cat. This was just one of the stories behind it.

The painter, Joey Velasco, didn't have any formal education in the arts. He started out as a seminarian, but it didn't work out. Then he studied law but dropped out later. He then took on his family's upholstery business and there, it seemed, he found his calling. He became a successful entrepreneur, made tons of money, bought a lot of things, played golf everyday. Life was good for him, until he was diagnosed with a serious illness in 2005.

Doctors found a tumor in his kidney. He had to undergo an operation where his left kidney was removed. He sank into a deep depression and refused to come out of their guest room. In an interview with Probe Profiles, he said that he felt his life at a standstill and the world is moving on without him. He did not know what to do with himself.

As the saying goes, the darkest hour is just before dawn. Alone (and bored) in the room, he began sketching. He documented his emotions and ideas on paper. It sparked a new kind of interest. He started to paint. He researched and tried to learn more about the arts, and it was at this time that he conceptualized "Hapag ng Pag-asa".

His basic goal was to teach his children the value of food. He set out and gave pansit (noodles) to street children and photographed them eating it. They thought he was a politician because he was giving out food.  Once he had his twelve, he began the work. It took him about a month and a half to finish.

The painting was a hit. People were surprised that it was done by someone who was just starting to learn the discipline. A lot of them were moved and wanted to donate. Joey approached Gawad Kalinga to ask for help on building houses for his models. He provided them with shelter and even gave money for school supplies. He visited them often, and through them he found his meaning.

"There's something beyond this flat canvas.", he said.

When the houses were built, he did another painting of them called "Hapag ng Pag-ibig" (Table of Love).

A rich philanthropist once approached him to buy the painting. Joey agreed and they planned on putting it in a museum. He told this to his family and they gave their consent. But later in the day, Joey received a letter from his eldest son, asking him if he could buy the painting instead, and his payment? The promise that he will grow up to be a good man. It was a done deal.

Joey passed away last July 20.  He was once asked if he ever thought of death and he said, "everyday, every stroke, every time I paint, I always think of death".  His thoughts of dying led him to live, and because of it he saved other lives and inspired many of us.  Hapag ng Pag-asa was his most well-known piece, an incredible painting done by a man, but beyond the flat canvas is a more complex masterpiece that only God can create.


Lunes, Hulyo 19, 2010

a bundle of joy

Doctors told her she would never give birth.  She only had one ovary and it was possibly polycystic, but life proved once again that we should never say never.

Last June 6, Lisa Witchalls was admitted at Queen's Hospital in Romford, Essex.   She had severe stomach pains and a watery discharge, which she thought came from an ulcer that ruptured. It did not. Medics performed two pregnancy tests on her and both resulted positive.  Her water just broke and she was having contractions. They immediately transferred her to the maternity ward.

"I didn't have any morning sickness, any cravings, any swollen ankles or heartburn and I didn't feel anything.", Lisa says. "I thought that it could not happen because if a doctor tells you that you cannot have kids you do not question it."

She was on labor for 27 hours until doctors decided to give her a Caesarean section. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy, weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. They named him Reece.

"I was just in shock and I just could not believe that he was mine. To go into hospital thinking it was an ulcer and to come out a week later with a baby is really crazy.", she says.


Martes, Hulyo 13, 2010

chili pepper chill

Deep in the Arctic, carved inside a stone mountain, lies the Doomsday Vault. It's a locked, airtight structure that contains something more precious than money or gold. It carries seeds. Half a million variety of crops from different countries all over the world.  It's our safety deposit box against climate change, wars or any catastrophes.

Last week, several chili pepper seeds like, Wenk's Yellow Hots, Pico de Gallos (this a common ingredient in salsa) and San Juan Tsile were added to the collection.  They were delivered by a delegation of US Senators.

"The journey of the chili pepper from the indigenous cultures of the Americas to its current status as an essential ingredient in many Indian and Asian cuisines is a marvelous example of the global disbursement of agricultural diversity," Senator Tom Udall said. "I'm very pleased that we are saving one of New Mexico's most famous and most delicious crops in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault."

Besides chili, they also brought other seeds like peanuts and melons. There is now approximately 250 million seeds in the vault, with each variety having 500 seeds.  Check out their database here.  We can expect that number to grow in the future, but I hope we don't have use them anytime soon.


Sabado, Hulyo 3, 2010

pure magic

Magic tricks can also bring forth true miracles. The skill and practice required for the perfect sleight of hand are the same set of exercises needed by patients recovering from physical disabilities. This is the heart of Project Magic, a therapy program conceived by illusionist David Copperfield.
"Many years ago, I had correspondence with an individual that showed a great amount of self-esteem in his letters. Finally, after many months, I met him at a show and, to my surprise, he was in a wheelchair. And he had never mentioned it to me. Then, I realized he didn’t think of himself as being physically challenged and that his use of magic at home gave him a great amount of self-esteem. From there, I started a program called Project Magic that is in thousands of hospitals in over 30 countries around the world. Magic seems to give patients, from stroke victims to those with physical impairments, a great amount of self-esteem, and it improves manual dexterity. It is a program I am most proud of."

In 1982, he presented the concept to the Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital.  They liked the idea, so he began developing the program with Julie Dunlap, the assistant director of Occupational Therapy. They created tricks that can help in rehabilitation of patients and got volunteer magicians working with occupational therapists in teaching them.

The magicians also gave a lesson on performance, like how to have the proper stage presence and the art of misdirection.  Soon, they found that the program has an unexpected benefit, performing the tricks gave patients self-confidence and the motivation to work harder.

According to David, "Project Magic is presently employed in hundreds of hospitals throughout the world.  I am pleased to say that the American Occupational Therapist Association has endorsed this program as being an authentic therapeutic tool."

Here's a website that has tricks from Project Magic available for download.  Just click here.  Each trick contains goals and emphasis for Occupational Therapy to aid your session.
