Linggo, Setyembre 12, 2010

when it rains, it pours

I'm still not over celebrating the news that I won a storywriting contest, when I received an email yesterday saying that one of my poems have been included in a collection to be launched this Saturday! Whew, that was long! :D. The collection is entitled "Tag-ulan" (rainy season, the one we're having right now here in Pinas) and I think most of the poems (I know mine is) will be about the rain.

Each experience, each move, each mistake made and lesson learned, is a step closer to my goal.  Have faith everyone!  Never stop trying!

2 komento:

  1. Hey, congratulations! Please share your winning poem here. :)
    Have fun in the rain! (I also like rains!)


    P.s. Thanks big time for adding me in your Blogroll. I am truly honored!

  2. ei! I was wrong, it wasn't the rain poem that made it heheh.
