Miyerkules, Oktubre 13, 2010

lonely planet

Last month, astronomers found another planet that could possibly support life, Gliese 581g. It's in a habitable zone near a star, not too hot and not too cold. Such an atmosphere is perfect for having liquid water, and when there's water, there's life. The only problem with this planet is it doesn't rotate, one side is always in the dark and one side always faces the light. This is an exciting discovery though because there could still be places in there that could support life.

"The fact that we were able to detect this planet so quickly and so nearby tells us that planets like this must be really common.", says Steven Vogt, an astronomer from University of California at Santa Cruz, in the report from BBC News.

Discoveries like this remind us just how big the universe is and how maybe, we're not really alone at all. There are so may worlds out there that we do not know of, so many places to discover. There's much to explore, even just on our own planet.   I'm on an onshore job assignment right now in the US and I went to Yellowstone last weekend and it was amazing. The place was beautiful and it was my first time to see a bison in real life and up close. They look funny and cute!

Yellowstone was such a grand place but nothing compares to the happiness of just simply being with the ones you love, wherever that is. I saw the video of the Chilean miners today and I felt so jealous of the hugs they were getting, everybody was waiting for them to come out. I missed home, with all its pollution and craziness. It was kind of sad travelling. Everything was so pretty and clean and really perfect, but it only made me realize just how far away I am. Like an alien in another world.

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