Sabado, Setyembre 12, 2009

Marquez and his urine

As part of his pre-fight regimen, Juan Manuel Marquez drinks his own urine.  This practice is called Urophagia and it's part of a larger field of alternative medicine called Urine therapy.

It's incredibly nasty but it has been in existence for a long time in several cultures.  A lot of sources say that it's best to drink morning urine, taken mid-stream.  You can start with a few drops and then work your way to a full glass.

  • Gargling for toothache and sore throat
  • Vaginal douche
  • Ear and eye drops for infections, glaucoma
  • Sniffing to clear sinuses and preventing colds
  • Application on the skin for massages, healing skin problems
  • Hair and scalp massage to stimulate hair growth
  • Drinking for meditation
Although advocates say that there are tons of benefits from drinking urine, it's still best to take it with a grain of salt.  It tastes better!  Just kidding.  Aside from Wiki, I found this good article about this topic.  Will Marquez win the fight against Mayweather?  I don't know.  All I know is urine will never be my cup of tea.


4 (na) komento:

  1. It amuses me to no end that this post is catagorized under "Food and Drinks".

    In the military we were always taught to pee on our toes (in the shower) to combat athlete's foot fungus. Although I have never suffered from athlete's foot, I do this all the time. Better safe than sorry!

  2. Haha! yeah I heard urine can do that too, well at least your foot's safe!

  3. [...] Pacquiao was featured in the news a few days back. They showed his trainers hitting his sides and stomach with a yantok (some sort of stick). It desensitizes him to pain, they said. Well, it could work.. I guess it better than drinking your urine. [...]
