Huwebes, Setyembre 3, 2009

putpockets in london streets

A putpocket is the exact opposite of a pickpocket.  They slip money in your pockets without you knowing.  If I hadn't read this article about them, I would've taken this to be an urban legend.  I mean, what for??  Turns out this was an ad campaign for TalkTalk, a British mobile operator.  The idea is that TalkTalk puts money back in your pocket by making you pay less for phone calls-- so switch to TalkTalk now! heheh.

Carried out by a team of 20 reformed pickpockets, this is a unique ad campaign and it will surely cheer people up during these gloomy times.  Finding extra cash when you least expect it, especially when you need it the most, is an instant upper.  I saw the video on YouTube and just seeing the sign, "Rejoice! Putpockets operate in this area." makes me smile.

Why can't we do that here in the Philippines??.. but  I guess if we did, everybody would be hanging around those areas for hours pretending to be some bystander or a pedestrian.  Or maybe people will just beat up those putpockets, thinking that they're really snatchers/pickpockets instead.

Is it better to be smart in giving or should we just give mindlessly away?  TalkTalk's ad campaign is what I would call smart giving.  It's an investment.  I know some smart givers who donate food instead of money to beggars so it won't be spent on gambling or rugby (to get high on).  Some would rather give their money to charities.  Some doubt the charities and give to the church.  Some believe in providing work for others, while there are others, really smart givers-- that prefer not to give at all, haha!  How in the world did giving become so complicated?


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