Linggo, Mayo 2, 2010

a letter

Sometimes I feel like I'm a hamster on a wheel. I keep running and running but I'm not getting anywhere. I do all these things and nothing really comes out of it. It's very hard to keep yourself motivated when you don't see any results from the seeds you planted. No fruits-- or even just teeny tiny sprouts :(. It's even harder when someone tells you that they feel sorry for you, because you're getting bored, because you don't have any romance in your life, that's why you do all these things instead. I feel pathetic. I may not have romance but I do have a passion for something. Writing. I'm trying to bring it into my life. That's why I do all these things.

Two years from now I'll be turning thirty. The thought really scares me. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything significant. Do I really want to do what I'm doing right now for the rest of my life? Or will I shift to something more meaningful? Or is it all about time management? Keep a job and do what you want when you're not working? Right now I'm trying this. It's hard. How long will it be like this? How long do I have to sustain this? I don't know. I do like my job though and I learn and earn from it and I grow from it, I even get material from it. I guess I'm lucky if you think about it. But I still feel restless, I still need to do something.

I want to share some articles I found that made me feel a little better. I hope these will also help someone who's going through the same issue. Here's a funny one from the Onion. I was terrified and amused at the same time when I read it. I thought it was real! It can happen though, who knows. Here's another good one from the Guardian. When I read this, I realized a lot of people are going through the same thing as me. We're all struggling to make it. Plus, there is a real problem with the economy today. We all need security.

The real find of the day came in a form of a touching letter posted online. It's written by Iggy Pop, encouraging one of his fans (who wrote a 20 page letter to him) to hang on and be strong. Read it here. :)


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