Sabado, Agosto 7, 2010

while walking

It's a 10 minute jeepney ride from the building where I work to the shuttle terminal where I get my ride home. Sometimes, if I want to get some exercise, I skip the jeep and brisk walk. It takes me about 30 minutes, walking with my headset on, listening to the radio or happy songs on my phone. If the song is really good, I sing softly. I try different routes, I go through the malls or I just walk along the road. Instead of using escalators, I use the stairs. If there's a good movie showing I detour, I do my grocery, window shop, try on clothes and shoes, buy impulsively, do errands, run into old friends, people watch, get ideas, clear my head.

One time, I saw somebody's shoe sole stuck in the metal thing on the floor of the mall. I just had to take a picture of it, I wonder what happened.

Actually, I see a lot of soles on the way, where did people get these shoes??

Another time, I saw a poster for the most ridiculous price for a meal. Well, for me it's ridiculous. What kind of meat are they serving anyway? Hmmm..

There would even be times when I just had to walk out even if the day isn't over. I just had to get out of that office, get away from all the stress and work and expectations, everything. Then my feet would lead me to something delightful.

I didn't know there was a book shop near our office. Now, I go there if things are really crazy at work. Just smelling the books relaxes me.

6 or 7 years before I was also walking along Ayala. Fresh out of college, working at a call center and walking with my friends. We get out around 6 am and everyone's sleepy and tired from the night shift. Then, we'll see working stiffs who are just coming to work. Fresh and full of energy, wearing their suits and skirts and high heels. Now, years later, I'm one of THOSE people. Funny how your journey works out. Every morning I rush to work and then I see these young people, wearing jeans and shirt and I just smile and kind of envy them a little. I hate office clothes. It's hard to brisk walk wearing them.

When I get to the shuttle terminal, I'm happy that the walking is finally done. I was able to accomplish my little exercise routine for the day. I'd get rid of my sweaty blouse, change into a shirt and ride the shuttle. Then when I'm far enough, I'll see the city's evening skyline. It's beautiful.

2 komento:

  1. You have a great site. Keep on writing! I will add you in my blogroll. :)


  2. Thanks! I added a link to your site as well :)
