Miyerkules, Marso 10, 2010

aliens beneath us

We were working overtime the other day when somebody said something about how scientists found creatures living inside our planet. He said it's like "Journey to the Center of the Earth". I thought he was just tired, but that caught my interest so I looked it up. Turns out there is such a thing as intraterrestrial life. Deep into the earth, there's another biosphere where microorganisms thrive. These life forms are a lot like what we'd expect to see in Mars and other planets, extraterrestrial aliens.

For the next two years, three drill ship expedition will be launched to "punch holes in the seafloor and implant long-term scientific 'observatories' linked by cable and satellite to onshore laboratories." This is very exciting, who knows what they might find? Maybe it really is like Journey.

But I read some more articles and found that one of the reasons they're doing this is to search for something that could help solve the problems in our environment today. An example is, they're thinking of putting all the excess carbon dioxide below the seafloor. I don't know how in the world they're going to do that-- besides, what will be the effect of all that carbon dioxide? I don't think anybody knows. Then there's also a theory that below the seafloor are reservoirs of water similar to what we have in our rivers here now, so that means we'll have another water source.

Sometimes, I really think that we'll never be able to solve the problems we have today: pollution, climate change, overpopulation and shortage of gas, food, water. It's already too late. There's a lot of possibility with this discovery, and yet it seems we're just looking for another place to dump our garbage and furnish our supplies. What will happen in the future if the planet can no longer provide?

Buried alive: Half of Earth's life may lie below land, sea

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