Miyerkules, Marso 17, 2010

little surprises

Days before my birthday I received a postcard from our town's vice-mayor. I didn't even know who our vice-mayor was. I know it must have something to do with the upcoming elections and he probably just pulled my name out of a list, but it was still a pleasant surprise for me. It was an early greeting and it came from someone really unexpected.

Then, around 30 minutes before midnight of my actual birthday, a friend from College sent me a text greeting. We hadn't spoken in a long time, so it was a great surprise as well. I'm happy she remembered. I know there was probably a notification from Facebook or the Birthday alarm.  Man, I'm so cynical!  But still, I love getting greetings like these.

Another person who greeted me was my old boss.  Again, I didn't expect I'd hear from him.  He's one of the people I truly respect and look up to.  I learned a lot from him-- about work, dealing with people, life.  Well, about a month ago, I found out that we're working on the same building.  I never had the chance to meet him again though, because he's on night shift and I work on daytime.  Well, this morning I had to come in early for a meeting and guess who I met at the lobby?  Another little birthday surprise for me.

My actual birthday (it was last weekend) was spent celebrating another person's birthday. I was out of town with friends, joining in on the festivities for one of the founders of our poetry group. The day was filled with good food, good conversation and fun people. We talked about our plans this year and what we're currently working on. These are the stuff I can't talk to anyone about (except my sister). It feels good to find a place for my creative endeavors. Before we went home, we picked green mangoes. Sir Rio said I owe him four poems for them. I better start working.

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