Linggo, Disyembre 6, 2009

built-in kevlar

Jessica and Gabriella (
Jessica and Gabriella (

Two years ago, Jessica Forsyth was shot by her boyfriend four times with a .44-caliber Magnum pistol. One of the bullets almost got her major blood vessels, spine and heart, if it hadn't been for the 6-inch titanium plate in her collarbone.

Dr. Greg Casey, a trauma surgeon from Hurley Medical Center says, "[Forsyth's] very, very lucky that she had that plate there. It probably saved her life. If [the bullet] had struck her spinal column, we might be dealing with a quadriplegic patient or a paraplegic patient. She was blessed to have that plate."

The plate was from the two accidents she had when she was a kid. When she was 8 years old, she broke her collarbone when her brother pushed her off a merry-go-round. Five years later, she fell off her bike and this time, the bone split in half. The doctors had to put in a titanium plate to help heal the fracture. She had always tried to hide the scar.

The plate saved her-- and the life of her unborn child. Forsyth didn't know that she was four months pregnant at that time.

"I was actually in the emergency room, and the doctor came over and told me, and I yelled at him. I did. I remember I was so mad," she said. "I told him to go back and check it again."

She gave birth to a baby girl last September 2007. Gabriella is now two years old and Forsyth feels that she is a sign of good luck for her.

"We're just so blessed that we still have her," Rhonda Poston, Forsyth's mother, said at the time, "and in addition to that we're going to have a baby!"

Michigan teen shooting survivor -

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